CEO Body Language: How to Market Yourself As a Confident Leader

Online or on stage — learn how to master your non-verbals in just 5-minutes

Robin Konie


Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

“Uh, Tracy? Your camera is on,” I said quietly.

The rest of the group awkwardly averted their eyes as Tracy fumbled to disable her video. But it was too late. The pink bathrobe, giant bowl of Fruit Loops, and yesterday’s mascara smeared under her eyes seared an image in our brains forever.

Nobody looked at Tracy the same way again.

Hopefully, you’ve never committed this kind of video conference faux pas. But even subtle movements can change the way people see you. Your message is more than the words you use — it’s amplified or destroyed by your body language.

With the sky-rocketing use of zoom, remote work, and video-based platforms, non-verbal skills are a must-have for anyone looking to grow their influence.

As a leader, it’s your job to provide direction and guidance. Your vision inspires action by cultivating credibility, respect, and trust from your followers.

In my work as a certified movement analyst (CLMA) and messaging strategist, I’ve witnessed far too many bright, passionate CEOs, professional speakers, and experts get lost in a crowd because their body language missed the mark.

Unfortunately, even the experts in nonverbal communication don’t always embody their knowledge. Knowing eye contact and posture are essential components for effective communication doesn’t necessarily translate to practical advice.

Likewise, using famous leaders as gold-standard icons can move people out of their genuine physical expression. They try to mimic the legends even though most celebrated speakers are good because they never tried to be anyone but themselves.

Brené Brown is nothing like Steve Jobs. Barack Obama presents very differently than Dolly Parton. There is more than one way to lead a crowd, but you’ll never gain trust and authority by being a second-rate version of someone else.

So instead of another list of tips that keep you in your head instead of inside your body, I’m sharing a super simple movement practice to help you relax and…



Robin Konie

Author & Freelance Editor. Making stuff up for forty years.